You are currently browsing the archives for 18 November 2010.
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Unemployment Vote….Don’t Ask…Don’t Tell

  • Posted on November 18, 2010 at 10:23 pm

This is just a quick post to let people know that more of nothing is going on in Congress.  So if you are unemployed and getting unemployment compensation, you may be interested in the most recent vote on extensions.  The current unemployment is set to expire on November 30th just before the holidays.  Don’t ask for an extension to the unemployment compensation and absolutely don’t tell anyone about the congress people that care more about anything else but helping unemployed people.  Okay, so do tell on them.  That’s why I’m posting their votes here!

Republicans will vote for every war or tax cut for the wealthy and not worry about where the money comes from, but if it’s for some out of work not so rich person, well, forget it!  They will not pass this unless they know how to pay for it.  I know how to pay for it.  Why don’t we just stop these two wars and take care of our own for once?  Just asking and thinking out loud.   I also thought we got rid of many of those Blue Dog Democrats but unfortunately there must be at least 11 left to vote with the Republicans and I would like to add shame on those congress people that didn’t even bother to show up to vote!

Here is a link to the voting record for today.

Here is an article on this as well.