You are currently browsing the archives for 21 December 2010.
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Tear Down This Wall between Patriotism and Party

  • Posted on December 21, 2010 at 11:58 pm

Where are our leaders on this issue?  I have seen the two senators, Gillibrand and Schumer from New York pushing for the first responders and other New York politicians like Mayor Bloomberg and Rep. Nadler.  However, I haven’t heard President Obama pushing for this issue.  Today I read that Robert Gibbs is trying to get John Stewart to help out.  Are you kidding me?  Why can’t President Obama come out and make a speech that drives this issue?  This to me is a simple issue.  If you can pass tax cuts for the millionaire’s club, then you should be able to get the money needed to take care of the first responders from 9/11.

It is surprising who is actually taking the lead on this issue.  In the press it looks like Shep Smith from believe it or not, Fox News!

Here is Shep calling out the Republicans earlier on this issue:

“We called a lot of Republicans today who are in office at the moment,” he said on Monday. “These are the ones who told us ‘no’: Senators Alexander, Barrasso, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Grassley, Kyl, McConnell, Sessions, Baucus, Gregg, and Inhofe. No response from Bunning, Coburn, Ensign, Graham, Hatch, and McCain.”

“Why does no one want to talk about this?” he continued.

Speaking of Coburn why doesn’t he care about sick people?

Senator Coburn has vowed to tie this up. You have to wonder why?

Senator Coburn:

He tells Politico that he “wouldn’t allow the bill to move quickly” due to “problems with parts of the bill and the process Democrats are employing” to pass it.
This was taped in September before the election.  I’m sure they thought this would easily pass.  It’s well worth watching this video.  It should give everyone a good idea of what is going on with the first responders.  It shows what they were facing and showcases individuals so you can see what they are going through.  No one wants to foot this bill.  No one wants to take responsibility for the illnesses.  In the nine years that have followed 9/11 900 people have died from diseases that are obviously related to 9/11 unless you are the police department, fire department or an insurance company.

Nine Years After 9/11, 900 Responders Dead

If you need more convincing about this issue, watch this and think about what we should be doing for these people.

What can we do?  How about contacting the senators that are skipping out on this one.  Maybe Senator Coburn’s office.  Do what you can but do something.

Contact your senator here.

This is the reason for the season.  Come on Republicans; ask yourself what would Jesus do?  After every speech politicians proclaim, “God bless America!”  Maybe this time they ought to mean it and step up and do the right thing.  I’m tired of flag pin wearing hypocrites that continue to parade themselves out as caring individuals when all they really seem to care about is their next election and getting more money for their cronies.  It’s time to step up and do the right thing!

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

  • Posted on December 21, 2010 at 3:17 pm

Don't forget the homeless this holiday season.

So today I’m finally getting up my Christmas tree and watching my crazy cat get excited about it.  Of course being the kind of person I am, I started thinking about those homeless people that don’t have a tree or even a home to feel warm and safe in.  I was wondering about the statistics and decided to Google it.  Low and behold I find out that this is National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day.  It seems that this day was set aside to honor the homeless because it is the beginning of winter and the longest night of the year.

Wow, 770,000 homeless kids are enrolled in public education.  As a teacher I find that figure is stunning.  I know in my own classroom I see more and more of a divide between those that have what they need and those that just don’t.   It seems there is a resolution to combat homelessness.  It passed the House on December 2nd, but to my knowledge, not the Senate.  That’s not really surprising is it?

Here are the sponsor s and more.

I’m just posting this here to hopefully make people more aware of the need in our country to address the issue of poverty, the homeless, jobs, hope and hopelessness.  We all go shopping for Christmas presents and feel like we’ve done something when we put a couple bucks in the Salvation Army pail, but something more needs to be done to address the issue of the homeless.  The answer isn’t “out of sight, out of mind” either.  We must step up and help in any way we can the least among us.  If Congress can step up and help the millionaire’s club, they should be able to do more to help those that are suffering this holiday season and wondering where they will lay their head tonight and sleep.

If you can help out this season, do so.  If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask!  If  you are a blogger, spread the word!