I’ve had this weird feeling that we are being prepared for another Bush presidency. The signs are all there. After two years out of the limelight, President Bush comes out with his book, Decision Points, to a fanfare of unbelievable kindness. Even though he took us into a war of choice which left countless families broken and busted, he admitted to torture, he was virtually inept with his dealings in New Orleans and he has left our country literally on the brink of financial disaster; some people act like he was and is some kind of unsung hero!
I don’t know if I have been living in some kind of strange time warp or if I’ve missed some great trip these pundits are on that are treating him with such kid gloves! What it makes me really think is that we are going to see another Bush run for the presidency, as though that is what our country needs. Yes, I know, Jeb is supposed to be the good one, the smart one, he’s not like his brother at all.
I always find it interesting when certain families think they have to run everything. Is our country of 310 million or so people really that poor at education that we have to stick with the same political families to run our government? We deserve the government that we elect and I just want to say if that is what we keep electing, what is wrong with us?
I find it interesting that GW’s most hurtful moment was when Kanye West accused him of being a racist. This is interesting as I feel he’s reaching out for those black votes for his brother. It’s kind of like Tricky Dick saying he’s not a crook. If GW had cared about New Orleans, he would have moved mountains to get some help over there. Rest assured if the same problems had happened in Texas or Florida, those mountains would have been moved for sure. It was pretty political over all and every move he made in office was political as well, just as it is now.
If I was a conspiracy nut, I would be wondering if the Obama presidency was a setup to get us ready for Jeb. Obama was selected to be the Democratic nominee through the corrupted Democratic Primary just as surely as Bush was appointed the presidency by the Supreme Court. Obama has essentially kept all of the Bush policies in play from the two wars, to FISA, to education and to even the financial bailout. Even the health care bill was a boost to the corporations and not to the people in so many ways. So, is Obama just keeping the seat warm on the presidency for another Bush term? Who would have ever thought that GW would have lasted 8 years, but he did. It seems like I’m not the only one having these thoughts.
Of course Jeb is not planning on running, as you can see in most articles about him, but the most important article is the one where Jeb says, never say never! What could that mean? Here he is sounding very political criticizing Obama. Don’t you think it interesting that he would also support Sarah Palin? It’s a little early for talking about supporting Sarah. That’s right Jeb get those Tea Party voters lined so they will actually vote for you!
It feels like President Obama better start leading like a Democrat or he will be replaced by the real Republican! Most people like real better than fake. Why vote for a fake Republican, when you can have a real one? We should all be very afraid. Yesterday I read that Obama should be one and done and today I’m thinking that might be part of the overall plan! Maybe it won’t matter as we all know the end of the world is coming in 2012. I’m laughing as I write this. Last week I posted on never being politically represented in my whole 55 years of life. I guess the longer I live, the longer that will be true.
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