This is the time of year when schools look at their budgets and program offerings for the coming school year. At Sturgis Middle school we recently found out about our MEAP scores. Each year we hold our collective breath waiting for the results. The MEAP doesn’t follow an individual class through their time in school but focuses on grade level. This means that scores can go up and down sometimes based on the type of class that is currently being taught. It has been my experience that some years we have classes that are challenging, usually behavior issues are the problem, and some years we have classes that are exceptional both in their behavior and their ability to pass the MEAP. This year we all have let out our collective breath with a big “Hooray!” as our scores were very good. We can only hope these scores will continue to be high in the coming years. I know that everyone at our school is part of the team to help students pass these tests. This year students, that needed extra time, were given extra “lab” time with their core teachers. This was accomplished through much effort by the exploratory teachers. Exploratory teachers were asked to develop a “split” time class in which they would have students for 25 minutes out of 50 minute period. This has been a difficult thing to accomplish but exploratory teachers rose to the moment and did what was necessary to help make this program a reality. Most days classes were normal but some days individual students were kept back for more lab time in math, science, etc. This can be very challenging for any exploratory teacher working with project based media as the student can fall behind in that class and other students will get bored if they spend too much time waiting for the behind students to catch up. There are often times teachers are pitted against each other based on being a “core” teacher or an “exploratory” teacher. Core teachers always get the respect from everyone simply because they are teaching what most people see as being necessary for an education, “reading, writing, and arithmetic.” Some core teachers see themselves as above exploratory teachers by virtue of their placement of importance in the system. In my nearly seventeen years of teaching at Sturgis a well rounded education has been of utmost importance to Sturgis school district. Unfortunately, with the current money problems I think many schools are being forced to make cuts to their programs. Whether it is art, music, drama or extra curricular programs all will be judged regardless of their merits. At Sturgis we have been able to maintain our programs. I believe it helps us with the “school of choice” program but as people flee Michigan for other states where they hope to get a job, the outlook for our school is also dim. The funding coming from the state is less and less each year while the costs for everything from staff to energy continue to rise. This is forcing larger class sizes and the reduction of services just like what is happening to our state government. It’s time for our state to develop some new ideas for funding and for surviving our current crisis in our schools as well as all other aspects of our lives.
Our state is in a crisis that can and has to be fixed. We need more revenue coming into the state to fix these problems. Either we must create more employment through industry of some type or we must raise taxes on those that are still here working. The fact is we are going to see a reduction in services across our state in our schools, road work, police, secretary of state’s offices, and anything else that the state touches, if we don’t do something now. Many people are tired of being taxed and feel it’s gone far enough but many don’t realize the perilous position the state of Michigan is in. We have such a beautiful state. I personally think it’s ridiculous that our state should be in such bad shape. We have natural resources that are the envy of other states. We have great universities where people come from all over the world to get their education from. We have terrific hospitals across our state. We have so much to offer for recreation all through the year from the lakes in the summer to the skiing in the winter. Unfortunately, for many years we put all of our eggs in that one basket of the automobile industry. It’s time for new industry to grow and prosper in Michigan. I love our state. I think it is an absolutely beautiful state. We need to develop our commodities to attract people to the state. We hear about the problems in Detroit but it isn’t just Detroit. The problem is all across our state. If you go to the thumb area it is just as depressed as Detroit. It’s just a smaller population. Here is Sturgis we too have lost business and of course the people that work in those businesses. Yet, we have a beautiful little city that could be doing more to get people to stop and shop here and build our local community. I find myself running to Coldwater and Three Rivers to get things because we don’t have the stores that those communities have to offer. I’d like to keep my money local but I’m not willing to shop at the loss of choices in products.
Our current government continues to use the same old tactics and behaviors that they have been exhibiting for the past sixty years. That is the Republicans want to argue about cutting programs and lower taxes and the Democrats want to maintain programs but don’t have the where with all to create the funding for them. Neither of these approaches really seems to be working. We need something new and daring to happen. The same old politics just isn’t working. Geoffrey Fieger was on a local television program and he was talking about being “inspired”. He said, “We need someone that will inspire us.” I couldn’t remember the last time a politician actually inspired me. Maybe when I was a kid and learned all about John F. Kennedy I felt inspired. As an art teacher I know that inspiration can lead to all kinds of wonderful thinking and problem solving. I think maybe our politicians need to be inspirational to bring out the best in their constituents. My sister is always talking about the “genius among us”. These are every day people that come up with fantastic ideas and solutions to problems. Many of them are over looked as being “kooks” or just flatly ignored but there may be somebody out there with great ideas for our state that is just being ignored and overlooked. I think maybe our current government needs to go to the people for fresh, new ideas. We need a suggestion box for the government just like those old suggestion boxes we used to see at restaurants. Someone in Michigan has a great idea for this state and how to turn it around. I just don’t think it’s a politician. He or she may be sitting next to us with a wonderful imagination and a desire for change but not the where with all to make it happen. The state of Michigan needs to set out the suggestion box to get this conversation moving. Enough of the fighting over budgets and everything else, it’s time for new ideas for funding this state and developing it to its fullest potential.
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