Have You Taken Your Hate Pill Today?

  • Posted on August 21, 2010 at 9:08 pm

You have a choice to make: Hate and fear or more of the same. This is not an easy choice.

I’ll be the first one to tell you I have no love for the Democrats because they stole my primary vote on May 31st, 2008.  However, as much as I dislike the Democrats the Republicans are infinitely worse!  If you are thinking of voting those Republicans back in power really give some thought to what it would mean to the health of this country.  They are political obstructionist that won’t pass any legislation that might get this country moving again.  They deserve to be booted out of office, period!  If you are thinking about voting for a Republican just watch this video from the 2008 election.  It’s pretty snarky but pretty true.  Think about poor BP when you watch this as some Republicans felt so sorry for them.

When Ronald Reagan was President my mother used to say, “Have you taken your hate pill today?”  The Republicans were always good at breeding hatred.  They like stirring that proverbial pot of hatred and fear.  With the up coming November election I find it very interesting that we are discussing everything except what needs to be discussed, the economy.  This past week is a fine example of the smoke and mirror politics that continues to prevail in our country.  While most people are more concerned about the health of the economy, we are busy hearing talk about September 11th and whether a Muslim cultural center should be built a couple blocks from the World Trade Center site, whether President Obama is a Muslim and whether we should repeal the 14th amendment.  I, for one, am tired of the same old scare tactics that Republicans have always used to get people in line to vote for them in the next election.

The truth is both parties have problems but Republicans brought us to the brink of disaster and it is not time to reward them for that behavior.  It was Republican policies that lead us to this disastrous economy.  We have been told for years by Republicans that old tired theory of the “trickle down” economy.  We, as a country, have been rewarding the wealthy with tax breaks and special deals in the hope that one day all of it would trickle down to the little guy.  That hasn’t happened and it never will.  Republicans are good at changing the subject during an election cycle.  Currently, we should be talking about ways to move the economy and what are we doing?  Once again we are spreading hate and fear with the help of Republicans.  It’s popular now to hate Muslims.  After all they have that crazy religion and the women all look like nuns so it’s easy to pick on them.  We also hate those cute little brown babies the illegal Mexicans give birth to just so they can stay in this country.  You know the “anchor babies”.  I wonder how long those Repubs set around thinking that one up. President Obama must be a Muslim after all his skin is dark, his father was a Muslim and his name is so different.  What if the President really were a Muslim?  What happened to freedom of religion?  Many people could care less about religion but when it comes to politics it becomes an issue.

The Republicans breed hatred and fear.  They have hated gays for years and have done everything they could to obstruct gay rights issues during the political campaign seasons.  There are many gays that are practicing Republicans such as the “Log Cabin Republicans” but in my book they are all hypocrites that help to breed hatred and fear.  The abortion issue has been settled law since 1973.  It’s about a woman’s “choice” and yet this issue has been continually used by the Republicans to get votes.  They aren’t interested in really repealing the issue as it is settled law but they are interested in getting people riled up so they go out and vote Republican.

FDR famously said, “The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.”  Republicans want you to fear everything so you will vote for them to take care of you.  We are to fear our neighbors because they might be Muslims, illegal aliens, or heaven forbid “terrorists”!  We are supposed to watch each other like psychos on the “Big Brother” show but this big brother is the government of Republicans.  We are also to fear the government as it is bad.  The government doesn’t know how to do anything.  They fail at everything they do including education so naturally you don’t want the government to do anything.  This is the plan of the Republicans.  Fear the government but make sure you keep those tax cuts for the wealthy because if you don’t you will lose your job when they fire you.  Fear that dumb voters!  Hate brown colored people and crazy pro-choice women but most of all hate Democrats because they want to tax you and take your money away.  Republicans breed hatred and fear.  I’m a positive person.  I don’t hate and I refuse to fill my life up with fear.  I know the Democrats aren’t much better than the Republicans but at least they don’t breed hatred and fear.  I can live with that.

I just had to add this today to this post!  I guess I’m not the only one that thinks the Republicans are the party of hate!

5 Comments on Have You Taken Your Hate Pill Today?

  1. Paul Miller says:


    I did not recognize the word “Snarky” so I looked it up and it is not a word in my dictionary. A Snark is “an imaginary animal created by Lewis Carrol in his poem The Hunting of the Snark. A Snark is an imaginary animal so what could this possibly have to do with our political system or current economic situation?

    Your diatribe (Look that word up.)certainly does not show love. You must have taken a hate pill that day.

    The issue with the Mosque was brought forward by relatives and friends of victims of the 911 attacks. A Mosque is not a “Cultural center.” A Mosque is a place of worship for the Moslem religion. The 911 attacks were carried out by Moslems. This was a direct attack against our culture and our country. By my definition, this is a “Holy War.”

    Is it important if our President is a Moslem? I believe it is important because we are at war against Moslems. We need to know if this President is on our side or is on another side in this war. His first religion was Moslem.

    You do not seem to have a very good knowledge of the Moslem religion and past history.

    Did you know that the slave trade from Africa was carried out by Moslems? Are you aware that even today, men in the Moslem world buy their wives from the father of the bride? (Wives, they have or can have more than one. They can have concubines as well.)How can you purport to support womens rigths for equality and not condemn this religion?

    As for the economics, you had better get an understanding of our system of production. Capitalism is the greatest system ever for producing wealth. As you approach retirement, you will expect a pension that will be worth something in a purchasing power.

    Currently, the Teachers Retirement Fund is not fully funded and without a large growth in the private sector, this fund will be bankrupt, probably by the time you reach 65.

    Finally, your paragraphs are run-ons. Ma should have taught you that a sentence is a complete thought and a paragraph is a sentence or a group of sentences that deal with a specific subject. Of course, in a love letter, all rules are thrown out, anything goes.

    Take a love pill today.


  2. Katie says:

    Hey Paul, I’m glad you read my blog. I knew the word “snarky” wasn’t really a word. It’s just slang but most people will understand the meaning. We are on opposite ends of this argument. For me, it really is about the “economy stupid”. It’s not about all this other stuff that keeps everyone in “hate” mold. I don’t hate Republicans. I have voted for some of them. I also have friends and “brothers’ that are raving Republicans and I still love them all! lol

  3. Eric says:

    Wow, nothing like grouping everyone in a particular religion together under the worst stereotype available for that religion and then declaring a war on them to show love… Right before recommending the author to take a “love pill.” What a hypocritical dickhead, lol!

    For the record, this is a blog… Run on paragraphs are the norm. Maybe Paul should put down the dictionary he bought in 1962 and learn to use google? Here is a link to snarky’s definition. Sorry, it’s only merriam-Webster… Looks like the author had a better grip on her vocabulary than the jackass who commented on her writing.. http://i.word.com/idictionary/snarky

    Ps – the etymology of the word apparently dates back to 1910… http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/snarky

    Guess that dictionary was older than 1962… My bad, LOL!

  4. PenGurl413 says:

    Did that guy just call her out on run on paragraphs then write one that was one sentence long? What an idiot.

    Good post, Katie. Paul, stfu. (look that up in your dictionary)

  5. XoXo420 says:

    “Is it important if our President is a Moslem? I believe it is important because we are at war against Moslems. We need to know if this President is on our side or is on another side in this war. His first religion was Moslem.”

    That’s simply not true. Maybe you should fact check before posting? The only church the guy attended regularly (for over 20 damned years) was a Christian church…

    As far as the comments about the mosque not being a cultural center, I think you obviously haven’t done any research on what is being built. Yes, there is a mosque IN the cultural center, but it also has a performing arts center, gym, swimming pool and more. (http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/08/25/new.york.islamic.center.rally/index.html)

    What church of your denomination had a swimming pool and theater?

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