I don’t have any time tonight. I just wanted to share this video from the American Federation of Teachers.
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- 1%
- 2%
- 9 billion
- 9/11
- 17th Amdendment
- 21st Century skills
- 21st century student
- 24
- 98%
- 99%
- 101st senator
- 400 wealthiest Americans
- 900 dead
- 2000 presidential election
- 2008 Democratic Primary
- 2008 election
- 2008 eleecion
- 2008 primary
- 2010 election
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- 2012 election
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- 2016 Presidential Election
- AAA rating
- Aborigines
- abortion
- abstinence education
- abuse
- achievement
- acrylic painting
- acting
- actions goal
- addict
- ADP total payroll solution
- ads
- advanced art
- Affordable Care Act
- affordable college
- Afghanistan
- Afghanistan war
- Afghan war petition
- agenda
- Alaska adventure
- Alexander Hamilton
- Al Gore
- Allen Iverson
- all time favorite movies
- alone
- Amazing Grace
- Amazon Prime
- American Dream
- American Federation of Teachers
- American people
- Americans for Tax Reform
- ancestors
- and Balance
- Andrew Beckman
- and the ugly
- Andy Dillon
- anger management
- Ann Arbor Street Art Fair
- Anne Leuck Feldhaus
- Ann Romney
- Antonin Scalia
- A Plan for America
- Apple
- Apprentice
- Archie Bunker
- Ariel Castro
- Aristocracy
- Arizona shooting
- Arizona shooting victim
- Arkansas
- arming teachers
- army
- Arne Duncan
- Art
- art and music
- art budget
- art classes
- art curriculum
- art education
- art happening
- artists
- art major
- art museums
- Artprize
- art prizes
- art removed
- art show
- art show art exhibit
- art teacher
- artwork
- assault weapons
- as seen on tv
- Ausse
- Australia
- Australian Shepherd
- back to school
- bailout
- Bain Capital
- bankers
- banks
- Barack Obama
- Barbara Kruger
- Barbara Stanwyck
- beard
- Bedbugs
- Bedtime for Bonzo
- Benton Harbor
- Bernie Sanders
- beware of the military industrial complex
- big box pet store
- big daddy politics
- Big Eddy
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Kristol
- Bin Laden
- biomedical
- biotech
- bishon
- Black
- Black Ops
- Blackwater
- Blanchard
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Blue Dog Democrats
- Bobby Darin
- Bobby Kennedy
- Bodie Miller
- Born on the Fourth of July
- Botticelli
- BP
- Bradly Manning
- Bravo
- Bravo's Work of Art
- Brazilian man
- Breaking Bad
- breaking bread
- breast cancer
- Brian Williams
- Bridge card
- bridge to Canada
- Bristol Palin
- British Parliament
- brushpan painting
- bubble economy
- buck up
- Buddy Roemer
- budget
- budget cuts
- budget deficit
- budget deificit
- bullying
- bus drivers
- Bush
- Bush Doctrine
- Bush tac cuts
- Bush tax cuts
- business
- business rules and regulations
- buying junk
- Calling all Democrats
- Canada
- cancer
- Cannonfire
- Cap
- carbon
- cards
- cars
- Carter
- Caseville
- caste
- Catholic Church
- cats
- Cat Stevens
- Celtics Robbed
- censoring art
- Central Falls
- CEO's
- CEO Pay
- chain of kindness
- chain reaction of kindness
- Chairmen of the Energy and Commerce Committee
- Change we can believe in
- change we need
- chaos in schools
- charitable organizations
- Charity
- Charlie Chaplin
- Charlie Rangel
- charter schools
- Chauncey Billups
- cheap lunch
- cheating
- Cheating Refs
- Cheeseburger Festival
- Cheeseburger Museum
- Cheney
- Chery Crowe
- Chevrolet 2012 Impala LTZ
- Chicken Little
- children
- Chilean miners
- China
- China flexing their muscle
- Chinese
- Chinese brushwork
- Chinese characters
- Chinese junk
- Chinese Painting
- Chris Dodd
- Chris Matthews
- Christian Art
- Christianity
- Christian Science Monitor
- Christine O'Donnell
- Christmas
- Citizens United
- civil discourse
- civilian deaths
- civil liberties
- civil rights
- civil rights violation
- Civil War
- Clarence Thomas
- class
- Class Dojo
- class size
- Class warfare
- Clean House
- Clinton
- clothing
- clueless politics
- Coach Izzo
- Coca-Cola Company
- Coffee Party
- collective barganing rights
- college costs
- college education
- color
- Columbine
- common core
- communist
- companies
- companion
- competitive society
- compromise
- computers
- Confederate flag
- Confederate history month
- Confucius
- congress
- congressional pay
- congressional perks
- congressman
- consensual sex
- conservative
- conservatives
- control
- copper mines
- corporations
- corportaions
- corrupt government
- corruption
- corrupt politicians
- cost of college
- cost of health care
- cost of insurance
- cost of living increase
- Covid19
- Craigslist Congressman
- crap
- crappy products
- crazy woman
- Cream Separator speech
- creative play
- creativity
- crime
- crime rate
- Cristy Mack
- Critical Evidence
- Croc shoes
- cultural survival
- culture
- curriculum
- Cut
- D.B. Norton
- D.O.D.
- Dancing with the Stars
- Dante Rossetti
- dating
- Dave Levinthal
- David Axelrod
- David Stern
- David Stern must go
- David Stockman
- daydreaming
- daylight savings time
- death
- debat
- debt
- debt ceiling
- defense
- defense budget
- defense spending
- deficit
- deficit vote
- defining moment
- Delaware senate race
- democracy
- Democracy Now
- Democratic base
- Democratic Party
- Democratic Primary 2008
- Democrats
- Dennis Kucinich
- deomocracy
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- depression
- depression in the military
- deprived
- designers
- desperate measures
- desperate times
- despot
- Detroit
- Detroit bankruptcy
- Detroit Institute of Art
- DeVos Place
- Dexter
- Diane Ravitch
- Dick
- Dick Morris
- Diego Rivera
- Dino
- discipline
- disciplined based art education
- disconnected world
- discretionary spending
- disease
- disenfranchised
- diversity
- divorce
- dog
- dog dna
- dogs
- Donald Trump
- Don Mc Lean
- Donny Deutsch
- dorky
- Dow
- Dr.Martin Luther King
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- drama
- dreamers
- dreams
- Dress for Success
- drugs
- dst
- Dubai
- dying art
- dysfunctional parenting
- earth and art
- Earth Without Art is just Eh
- economics
- economy
- Ed Schultz
- educatin
- education
- educational supplies
- Education Nation
- Edwin Starr
- Egyptian embassy bombing
- Einstien
- Elaine Bernard
- election
- election reform
- elections
- electon
- Elizabeth Edwards
- Elizabeth Warren
- emergency manager
- Emergency Manager law
- Emma McMahon
- employee
- employees
- employer
- Enbridge
- endless war
- endless wars
- end the war
- enemy combatant
- energy legislation
- entitled
- entitlement
- entitlement programs
- environment
- envy
- equality
- equal rights
- Erik Prince
- establishment
- euchre
- Eva Cassidy
- Evan Bayh
- Evelyn Miller
- ex-presidents
- executive order
- facts
- failed presdidency
- Faith
- faith based initiatives
- faithful friend
- fake guns
- family
- farm subsidies
- Father's day
- favorite books
- favorite shows
- favorite TV shows
- FDR Democrat
- fear
- federal budget
- federal deficit
- Federal Elecion Commission
- Federal Reserve
- Feeling the Bern
- female officers
- financial martial law
- fired
- fire fighters
- first responders
- first responders bill
- fiscal cliff
- fixed mindset
- Florida
- fooling the American people
- Ford
- foreign assets
- Forever lazy
- for profit
- Foxy Loxy
- Frances Perkins
- Frank Capra
- Fredrick Meijer Gardens
- free art museum
- freedom
- free lunch
- full body scanners
- funding education
- fun kid stuff
- G.E.
- Game Change
- Gandhi
- garage sale
- Gary Cooper
- gas prices
- Gauguin
- gay rights
- gays
- General Electric
- George Carlin
- George Stephanopoulos
- Georgia state championship
- Gerald Ford Museum
- Geraldine Ferraro
- Geronimo
- Gini coefficient
- girls fighting
- Gladys Nilsson
- Glen Beck rally
- Glenn Beck
- global
- Global Commission on Drug Policy
- Global War on Terror
- gluttony
- goals
- God
- gold
- Goldwater Girl
- golf
- Gone With the Wind
- good guy bad guy politics
- Good Samaritan
- good vs evil
- Goodwill
- Google Art Project
- Gore's lockbox
- Gov. Rick Snyder
- government
- government budget
- government cuts
- government debt
- government fees
- government manipulation
- government regulations
- Government Rick Snyder
- government spending
- government waste
- Governor Blanchard
- Governor Engler
- Governor Granholm
- Governor LePage
- Governor McDonnell
- Governor Otter
- Governor Rick Snyder
- Governor Snyder
- Governor Snyder and guns
- Governor Walker
- graduated income tax
- Grand Rapids
- Great Society
- great teachers
- greed
- greedy politicians
- greenbacks
- green economy
- Greenfield Village
- Green Party
- green shirt ad
- Greta Van Susteren
- Grover Norquist
- growth mindset
- Guantanamo
- Guantanamo Bay
- Guantanomo Bay
- guns
- guns in school
- GW
- happiness
- Harper Lee
- Harry Potter
- Harry Reid
- Harvard
- Harvard Law School
- hatred
- have nots
- haves
- health care
- health care bill
- health care debate
- health care for all
- health care reform
- health insurance
- heating assistance
- Hela cells
- hell
- Henrietta Lacks
- Henry Fonda
- Henry Ford Museum
- Heritage Foundation
- hero
- HGTV's Design Star
- high cost of insurance
- high stakes testing
- Hillarycare
- Hillary Clinton
- history
- history of labor
- hockey
- holidays
- Holly Sue Foss
- Hollywood
- Holy War
- Homeland Security
- Homeless in America
- honor
- honsesty
- Hope
- hosts
- House
- House Minority Leader
- House of Cards
- H R 6419
- huddled masses
- Hudson Metro Park
- hug a racist
- humanist
- Idaho
- ideas
- idiots
- I hate Kobe Bryant
- illness
- imagination
- incarceration
- incentives for early retirement
- Independents
- indian
- inequity
- Inert Products
- infrastructure
- inspiration
- inspire
- inspiring students
- insurance
- insurance companies
- insurance costs
- integrity
- inventors
- Ipad
- Iphone
- Iraq
- Iraq war
- issues
- It's a Wonderful Life
- It's the economy stupid
- itching
- It Takes a Village
- It takes a whole village to raise a child
- Jackson
- James Carville
- Jane Bowers
- Jared Loughner
- Jean Chretien
- Jean Klock Park
- Jeb Bush
- Jennifer Granholm
- Jeremy Mc Spadden Jr.
- Jerry Lewis
- Jesse Jackson
- Jesse James
- Jill Stein
- Jimmy Dore
- job creators
- jobs
- Joe Biden
- Joe Scarborough
- John Ashcroft
- John Boehner
- John Doe club
- John Doe movement
- John Donne
- John Edwards
- John Edwards movement continues
- John Engler
- John Kerry
- John McCain
- Johnny Carson
- John Stewart
- John Wayne
- Jon's beard
- Jon and Kate Plus 8
- Jon Stewart
- journal
- Jr.
- Juan Schnabel
- judge
- Judy Taylor
- jury duty
- justice
- K-12 education
- Kabuki Theater
- Kalamazoo Institute of Art
- Kanye West
- Karl Rove
- Kathe Kollwitz
- Katherine Ross
- Katrina vanden Heuvel
- Ken Burns
- Kennedy
- Kennedy affairs
- Ken Ross
- Kerry
- KIA exhibit
- Kid Rock
- Killer Coke
- Kim Khardashian
- Kindle
- kindness
- Kirsten Downey
- Kirstin Downey
- Koch brothers
- Kym Worthy
- labor
- labor and debt
- labor mural
- labor unions
- Lady Gaga
- Lake Cadillac
- Lake Huron
- Lake view
- Lansing
- Larsson
- late bloomers
- Latino
- Law and Order
- Law and Order Criminal Intent
- Law and Order SUV
- laws
- lawyers
- leaders
- League of American voters
- learning
- left
- legacy
- legislation
- lesbians
- liberal
- liberals
- libral
- lies
- lifestyle
- Lilly Ledbetter Act
- Lincoln
- Lindsay Lohan
- living off the grid
- living wage
- loans
- lobbyists
- Logan Act
- loss of innocence
- lost culture
- lost purse
- Louise Nevelson
- loyalty
- Luscious the Cat
- lust
- Lynn Samuels
- M.E.A.P. testing
- Macintology
- Mackinac Center
- Mac people
- Madonna
- Maine
- Maine mural
- making art
- mama bear
- man's best friend
- Marco Rubio
- Mark Sanford
- marriage
- Martha Stewart
- Mary Reed
- math
- Matt Damon
- Maureen O'Hara
- Maxine Waters
- Mayhem
- Mayhem Allstate commercial
- Mayor Bernero
- McCain
- meaness
- MEA rally at the capital
- Mecury Ink
- media
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Meet John Doe
- Meet the Press
- Mel Gibson
- memories
- merit pay
- meth labs
- mice
- Michael Dukakis
- Michael Moore
- Michael Vey
- Michgan primary
- Michigan
- Michigan budget
- Michigan emergency legislation
- Michigan governor's race
- Michigan job losses
- Michigan legislature
- Michigan politics
- Michigan State University
- middle class
- Middle East
- middle school
- midlle class
- midterm elections
- Mika Brezinski
- Mike Cox
- Mike Huckabee
- military spending
- Miller family reunion
- millionaire politicians
- Milwaukee Bucks
- mindless idiots
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Mitt Romney
- MMe
- model
- mom's birthday
- mom is a party girl
- money
- moneyed interests
- Monty Woolley
- moral choices
- moral compass
- Morality
- Morgan Stanley
- Mormons
- Morning Joe
- Morrison Triptych
- most admired person
- motiavation
- motivational supplies
- Mourning in America
- Mouseland
- moustache
- movement
- movies
- moving
- Mr. Rogers
- murder
- murder case
- music
- Muslim
- mustache
- nagging wives
- Nancy Pelosi
- Napoleon
- National Council for Safety and Health
- national debt
- National Education Association
- National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day
- National Priorities Project
- native
- NBA is fixed
- NBA is rigged
- needing junk
- Neil Bush
- Nelson Rockefeller
- Netflix
- new cars
- New Deal
- new logo
- New Orleans
- new puppy
- new reality show
- news
- Newsmax
- newsworthy
- new taxes
- Newt Gingrich
- New Year
- Nicole Kidman
- nightmare scenario
- Nixon
- no man is an island
- November
- November election. 2010 election. voting
- nuns
- Nye
- Obama
- Obama budget
- Obamacare
- Obama legacy
- Obama proposal
- Obama vacations
- obnoxious behavior
- Occupy Wall Street
- office fridge
- office politics
- office supplies
- official Michigan governor portrait
- off shore accounts
- off task behavior
- Ohio
- oil spill
- Oklahoma
- Old Country Buffet
- old people
- Omar Khadr
- One and Done
- One Nation Working Together Rally
- one person
- one vote
- online art
- On Star
- Open Secrets
- Orange is the New Black
- organize
- organizing the unemployed
- Oscar
- over rated
- painting
- Pakistan
- pandemic
- parasites
- parenting
- parents
- parent teacher conferences
- Pat Cluster Denison
- Paternal Politics
- Patriot
- patriotism
- Paul Gauguin
- Paul Krugman
- Paul Signac
- Paul Wang
- pay by credit card
- pay it forward
- pay raise
- PC
- peace
- peacefulness
- peeps
- Peggy Noonan
- Pell grants
- pensions
- Pentagon
- People's Budget
- people of color
- personal responsibility
- pet
- PetCo
- Peter Hoekstra
- Peter Masterson
- Peter Principle
- pet rock
- pharmaceutical companies
- Phil Jackson
- Phillip Scott Johnson
- Pink Floyd
- pinochle
- Piper
- plan
- play
- poems
- poetry
- police officers
- policitians
- policy
- political boogeyman
- political corruption
- political discourse
- political liars
- political manipulation
- political nightmare
- political opportunists
- political opportunity
- political protests
- political scandals
- politicians
- Politics
- politics of fear
- polls
- poor
- poor candidates
- poorer
- Pope
- postcard
- potter
- pottery
- Pottery Boys
- pottery studio
- potty training
- poverty
- poverty tour
- povety
- power
- President Bush
- President Carter
- President Clinton
- President Eisenhower
- President H.W. Bush
- Presidential election 2012
- presidential politics
- presidential race
- President Kennedy
- President Obama
- President Reagan
- presidents
- pride
- Primary
- Prime Music
- printed money
- priorities
- prison
- prisons
- private sector unions
- privatization
- privatization of schools
- privitization
- professional
- Progressive Caucus
- Project 60
- Project Runway
- protective mother
- Protest at the Capital
- protesting
- protests
- Psycho
- public school
- public schools
- public unions
- pundits
- puppies
- puppy dog
- purse strings
- pyramid scheme
- Rabbit Proof Fence
- Race to the Top
- Rachel's Challenge
- Rachel Maddow
- racism
- racist
- racist ad
- Rahm Emmanuel
- Raid
- Rand Paul
- rape
- rape in the military
- rape laws
- Rasheed Wallace
- Read
- reading
- reading is fundamental
- Reagan
- reality TV
- Rebecca Skloot
- recession
- reconstruction in Iraq
- red badge of courage
- Reese 44
- Reese teachers
- reform
- reinflation
- reinvention
- reitrement
- religion
- remembering mom and dad
- Renoir
- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
- Rep. Fred Upton
- Rep. John Boehner
- Rep. Marcy Kaptur
- Rep. Paul Ryan
- Rep. Ryan
- Representative Alan Grayson
- Representative Boehner
- Representative Canter
- Representative Dennis Kucinich
- Representative Eric Cantor
- Representative John Boehner
- Representative Michelle Bachmann
- Representative Ryan
- representatives
- Representative Wu
- Repubicans
- Republcian Party
- Republican
- Republican ad
- Republican budget agenda
- Republican candidates
- Republican legislatures
- Republican Lite
- Republican Party
- Republican pledge
- Republican Primary
- Republican right wing
- Republicans
- Republican Study Committee
- Republicrats
- restless students
- Restoring Honor Rally
- Restoring Sanity and/or Fear Rally
- retirement
- Rev. Al Sharpton
- revolution
- Rhode Island
- rich
- Richard Paul Evans
- richer
- Rick Snyder
- Right
- right agenda
- right to work
- right wingers
- rino
- Rivera Rockefeller controversy
- Robert Reich
- Robin Hood
- Rod Blahojevich
- Roku
- Rolling Stone
- Rolling Stone magazine
- Roman Catholic
- Romney's money
- Ronald Reagan
- Ronnie
- Roosevelt
- rude behavior
- running for office
- running for President
- Rush Limbaugh
- Rusty
- Ruth Marcus
- sacrifice
- Salatation of Beatrice
- sales tax
- Samantha Kelly
- Sarah Palin
- Sarah Palin's Alaska
- save teaching jobs
- Saving Graces
- scabies
- Scalia
- Scared Straight
- school
- school day
- school fights
- school funding
- school loans
- schools
- school shootings
- schools out
- science
- scientific discoveries
- Scott Causey
- Scranton Pennsylvania
- Second Bank
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
- secret missions
- Secret Service
- self esteem
- self respect
- selling Detroit
- Sen. Herb Kohl
- senate
- Senator Boehner
- Senator Cameron Brown
- Senator Coburn
- Senator Conrad
- Senator David Vitter
- Senator Evan Bayh
- Senator Gillibrand
- Senator Harry Reid
- Senator Manchin
- Senator Orin Hatch
- senators
- Senator Schumer
- Senator Teddy Kenndy
- September 11th
- Serius Left
- Serius Xm Radio
- Seurat
- sex
- sexism
- sex scandals
- sexual exploits
- sexual harassment
- Sgt. Amanda Sheldon
- Shaggy J's
- shared sacrifice
- shattered dreams
- Shirley Sherrod
- shovel ready
- show producers
- Shutter Island
- Simon Cowell
- single payer
- Sir Rusty Braveheart
- Skull and Bones
- slavery
- slaves
- sloth
- small footprint
- small town
- small towns
- SmileMakers
- Snyder
- social justice
- Social Security
- social security cap
- society
- Sojourner Truth
- soldiers
- soldier suicide
- Solidarity
- Some Like it Hot
- Songbird
- songs
- soul music
- Speaker Boehner
- Speaker of the House
- special lady
- speech
- Spencer's Mountain
- Spiro T. Agnew
- St. Joseph Michigan Art Show
- stagnant wages
- Standard & Poor's
- standardized tests
- standard TV
- Staples
- Starry Starry Night
- state funding
- Stephen Colbert
- stickers
- stimulus
- stimulus plan
- stock market
- stop and smell the roses
- straight talk
- Stress
- stress and school
- strong women
- struggling students
- student behavior
- student debt
- student loans
- student performance
- students
- stuff
- stupid products
- Sturges Young Civc Auditorium
- Sturgis
- Sturgis Middle School
- Sturgis Middle School Art Show
- suggestion box
- suicide
- suicide from bullying
- summer vacation
- Super Congress
- Superintendent
- SuperPacs
- Supreme Court
- Susan Karches
- Susan Kline
- Swine flu
- Swiss bank account
- tapes
- tax cut deal
- tax cuts
- tax cuts for the wealthy
- taxes
- tax payers
- tax the rich
- teacher
- teacher's unions
- teacher bashing
- teacher evaluations
- teacher quality
- teachers
- teacher unions
- teaching
- teaching and stress
- teaching profession
- Tea Party
- Tea Party Republicans
- technology
- Teddy Kennedy
- Ted Rall
- teens
- teen suicide
- television
- televison
- tell the truth
- Ten Things I Won't Miss About this October
- terrorism
- terrorist
- testify
- testing
- test scores
- test taking
- Texas Politics
- textbooks
- Thanksgiving Day
- the 2%
- The Alien Take Over
- the American people
- the Art of Education
- the bad
- The Bad Seed
- The Birds
- The Birth of Venus
- The Boss
- The Celtics
- the deciders
- the depression
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
- the good
- The Great Dictator
- The Help
- the Helpful Art Teacher
- The Hunger Games
- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
- The Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- the Lacks family
- The Lakers
- The Man Who Came to Dinner
- the Nation
- the nerd
- the only thing to fear is fear itself
- The price of virtue
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Stepford Wives
- the voiceless
- The War on the American People
- the wealthy
- The Wizard of Oz
- The Woman Behind the New Deal
- things collecting
- Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
- third party
- Thomas
- Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.
- Tide
- Tide Closet Raid Commerical
- Tiger Woods
- Time
- Time After Time
- Time Magazine
- Tim Kaine
- Tim Walberg
- To Kill A Mockingbird
- Toledo Museum of Art
- Tom Harkin
- Tommy Douglas
- Tony Rezko
- torture
- total pay card
- touring Alaska
- transforming schools
- Traverse City Film Festival
- treasure chest
- treatment of women
- Tres Taylor
- tribute to mom
- Tricky Dick
- tricky pricing techniques
- Trig
- Trump
- truth
- TV
- two party system
- ultimate sacrifice
- umemployment
- uncomplicated youth
- under represented
- Unemployment
- unemployment extension
- union
- union bashing
- Union busting
- union dues
- union rights
- unions
- United Arab Emirates
- United Federation of Teachers
- unpatriotic
- Useless products
- utopia
- Valerie Bertinelli
- VanAndel Museum
- Van Gogh
- Van Gogh in America
- Vanity Fair
- Vice President
- Vice President Joe Biden
- victims
- Vietnam War
- violence
- violent society
- Virg Bernero
- Virgin
- Virginia
- virtuous life
- Vladimir Putin
- voiceless
- vote
- voter block
- voters
- vote smart
- voting
- voting block
- voting rights
- wages
- Waiting for Superman
- Wal-Mart
- Walker
- Wall Street
- Wall Street fat cats
- Walt Disney
- war
- war is hell
- war on religion
- war profiteers
- wars
- Washington
- Washington D.C. law firm
- Washington Post
- waste in government
- water boarding
- wealth
- wealth jobs
- wealthy
- wealthy congressmen
- wealthy politicians
- wear red
- Wear red for teachers
- Weeds
- Wendy's
- West Michigan Area Art Show
- West Michigan Show
- We the people
- what is it good for?
- What motivates people
- Where's Waldo?
- whimsy
- Whirlpool
- White House Correspondence Dinner
- White House Correspondents' Dinner 2012
- whore
- Whores
- Wikileaks
- Will and Kate
- William Black
- William Miller
- William Wilberforce
- Willow
- windmills
- winning elections
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin protestors
- Wisconsin speech
- Wisconsin teachers
- Wolfgang Puck
- women
- Women's History Month
- women's issues
- women's liberation
- Women's Liberation Movement
- women's vote
- women and politics
- women in Congress
- women in politics
- Women United for a Better America
- work
- worker bees
- workers
- workers' rights
- worker safety
- working poor
- Work of Art
- work related accidents
- world
- wrath
- Yale
- Yes we can
- You got to have art.
- young people
- Young Students of Kalamazoo County Art Show
- Your body is a battleground
- YouTube
- Yusuf