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It Wasn’t Me!

  • Posted on November 6, 2016 at 6:04 pm

Whenever anything breaks in my art classroom, my students will all say, “It wasn’t me.”  I always find it fairly funny that no one wants to take responsibility for their actions when something goes wrong in my classroom.  However, my students have learned this behavior from what they see happening in the real world.  I have avoided writing on my blog for some time because I have just been so damn mad at the Democratic Party and the rigged primary election…that I just had nothing to say.  Words escaped me for many months.  I have decided to just let everyone know that regardless of what happens on Tuesday, it wasn’t me.

I am not voting for the lesser of two evils: Clinton or Trump.  That is like asking me if I want to be swindled or groped.  I will pass.  I am voting for Jill Stein, someone that I really have great respect for and admire.

I really don’t know what will happen although I suspect with all of the powerbrokers on Clinton’s side that they will manage to get her the election through hook or crook.  It is shocking to me that no matter what she does, no one sees what she does as illegal, corrupt, and/or dishonoring of the office of the presidency.  The fact that she can even run is shocking to me.  She can let her maid look at her documents for printing or she can sell arms to countries that will probably put them into the hands of people that will kill American troops and get her payback through the Clinton Foundation.  She can mishandle and ungodly number of documents that any teacher knows shouldn’t be done in a school setting let alone a government setting where people’s lives may be at risk.  She can make every poor decision from Iraq, to Libya, to Syria, and still be called the “most qualified person” to ever run for office.  She can get questions from Donna Brazile before a debate with Bernie, showing just what a cheater she is and nobody seems to care.

I feel like my party, my Democratic Party, has abandoned me.  So, I left them this summer.  It was a mutual breakup.  They said they didn’t need me.  They really despised those Bernie supporters and decided they would court the Republicans.  Now, it is interesting to see them coming to Michigan trying to get all those voters to get in line to vote for the most corrupt politician of modern times.  I refuse to line up for that one as I have some self respect left.  I finally figured out that the Democrats have been making us all swallow a bitter pill for many, many years.  I just have to give a shout-out for Jimmy Dore because he really does tell it like it is.  He pulls that scab off really fast.  It is only painful for a moment and then you are left with the thought of how damn stupid you have been all of these years voting for the lesser of two evils.  It didn’t really get you anything.

I think our country is in a very bad place.  Both parties have lost their way.  Neither of them properly represents the American people.  If they did, we would not have so many poor and one paycheck away from being poor people in this country.  This article is a real eye opener and everyone knows how expensive it is to live today.

Healthcare for the average person is unobtainable if it isn’t paid by his or her employer.  After this election, is it going to change?  We seem to want to put all of our money into war or war goods.  We aren’t taking care of our people, infrastructure, or anything else that really matters to most people.  Education has become a testing nightmare being taken over by private corporations.  Higher education is becoming unobtainable for many, as it is so expensive.  So, what are people to do?

I think we need a third party.  I am voting for Jill Stein in the hope that she can get that magic 5% that will help get the Green Party federal funding and be allowed to be on all state ballots.  I encourage others to do the same.  My vote does mean something.  I am trying to break the duopoly of the two parties that are a cancer on our country.  If more people would realize that we can take our country back, if we revolt from this system that has been set up to provide a feeding ground for corrupt politicians; then maybe we will survive.  However, if we keep going like we are our environment won’t last let alone ourselves.  I am begging people to think about another alternative.  Hillary has been beating a drum for war with Russia.  Troops have been readied for this.  She will not stand up for us.  She will stand up for those corporations that keep giving her money.  To think that she will magically be someone different than she has been her whole life is to be a fool.  I am not a fool and my vote will count for what I want, not what the Democratic Party wants and not what Hillary wants.  Just remember, she was a Goldwater Girl. I will vote for Jill Stein and I hope someone reading this will also think about doing it as well!  Regardless, pray for peace people! It is mind boggling to think that we could have had a President Sanders!  Just remember…it wasn’t me!