This is the new logo selling the same old crap. Vote for me! We are at least a little better thant the Republicans!
D is for Dorky. I’m sorry but as an art teacher I just can’t get over the new Democratic Party logo. It has absolutely no design whatsoever. It is as appealing as the man at the top, bland beyond comparison with just no “soul”. Is this the result of pushing math and science while relegating the arts to the back burner? Is this the result of being on the Internet? It looks mighty similar to the Skype and Twitter logos or any of the logos for sites like Facebook. I think the Democratic Party must have thought this was “cool”. They’re trying to excite the youth. If that’s exciting, I’m really behind the times. It’s reinforcing the fact that the Democratic Party doesn’t have a clue what the rest of us are thinking. Hey Democratic Party try “listening” to your constituents! It’s the economy stupid, not this other stuff!
If they actually thought rolling out this new logo was going to make any of us run out and vote for them, they ought to think again. Beyond the dorky logo is a party that is out of touch with the people that supported them. They are busy creating silly logos that they think will draw interest to their party when they should be working on the brand itself. If a new logo could easily change what a brand stands for many companies would change their logos quite regularly. Some have tried. Take BP, British Petroleum, oh yeah, that’s right, it’s Beyond Petroleum. This new logo still is selling the same old crap.
The Democratic Party needs to fix the brand, not necessarily the logo! They have turned into a party that talks a lot about issues we all care about but drags their feet when it comes to implementing any of those ideas. If the Democratic Party doesn’t wake up and figure out what’s ticking the rest of us off, they better start getting their resumes ready for their next job, as they will be out of work soon!
Oh, and by the way, the new slogan is:
Change That Matters
They are clueless beyond compare and still haven’t figured out what’s making us all crazy out in the real world! I’m going to try shouting it here, “IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID.”